During 2021 the use of the website has improved a little but there is still much we can do with your help. Although the number of reports from team leaders was reasonable last year we appear to have taken a step back in 2022, therefore there is still room for a vast improvement.
The home made rink booking system worked very well last year after a few teething problems, but, there were some anomalies caused by erroneous bookings. This now cannot happen as we now have a fully functional professional rink booking package for you to use.
Rejuvenation of the website has now taken place and we hope you have noticed the cleaner lines and how much easier it is to find the information you need. The website will now continue to grow as we now have two more members who have administrative rights and are very capable of moving things on into the future. We welcome Ash Galloway and Kelvin Nash into the website team. I am sure they will contribute a great deal from now on.
We would like to ask ALL team leaders to communicate results and submit reports throughout the season or if they cannot do this themselves please nominate a team member who is willing to do so.
Remember its your site! and it can only be a good as the information provided.
The Website Team.